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Int 10 Fn 00  - Video - Set Video Mode  (Cont.)

 65h = G    -     -    800x600  64K        A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426
     = G          1024x768   16             Video7 V-RAM VGA
     = G  128x48  8x16 1024x768      16        A000 ATI VGA Wonder
 66h = T   80x50  8x8  640x400  16/256k    B800 WD90C
     = T   80x50  8x8        16        B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X
     = G       640x400  256             Tatung VGA
     = G       640x400  256             Video7 V-RAM VGA
     = G    -     -    640x480  32K        A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426
 67h = T   80x43  8x8  640x344  16/256k    B800 WD90C
     = T   80x43  8x8        16        B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X
     = G       640x480  256             Video7 V-RAM VGA
     = G    -     -    800x600  32K        A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426
     = G  128x48  8x16 1024x768       4        A000 ATI VGA Wonder
     = G  160x64  8x16 1280x1024  16       A000 NCR 77C22 [1,9]
 69h = T  132x50  8x8  1056x400     16/256k    B800 WD90C
     = T  132x50  8x8        16        B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X
     = G       720x540  256             Video7 V-RAM VGA
 6Ah = G       800x600   16        A000 VESA standard interface
     = G  100x75  8x8  800x600   16             Genoa 6400
     = G  100x75  8x8  800x600   16             Diamond Speedstar 24X
     = G       800x600   16        A000 Ahead A
     = G  100x75  8x8  800x600   16       1    A000 Ahead B (VESA) (see 71h)
     = G       800x600   16             Zymos Poach, Hi Res 512
     = G       800x600   16             Epson LT-386SX in CRT Mode
     = G       800x600   16             Compuadd 316SL in CRT Mode
     = G  100x37  8x16 800x600  16/256k    A000 Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426
     = G  100x42  8x14 800x600         A000 ATI VGA Wonder (undoc)
     = G       800x600   16             Chips&Technologies chipset
     = G  160x64  8x16 1280x1024 256       A000 NCR 77C22 [1,9]
 6Bh = T  100x37  8x16       16             Genoa 6400
     = T  100x37  8x16                  NEL Electronics BIOS
 6Ch = G   80x30  8x16 640x480   16M       A000 Trident 8900CL/BIOS C04
     = G  100x75  8x8  800x600  256             Genoa 6400
     = G  160x60  8x16 1280x960     16/256k    A000 WD90C [1]
     = G  160x60  8x16 1280x960     16/256k    A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X [1]
     = G  160x64  8x16 1280x1024 16/256k   A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 [1]
 6Dh = G  160x64  8x16 1280x1024 256/256k  A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 [1]
 6Eh = G   40x25  8x8  320x200   64K       A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426
 6Fh = G   40x25  8x8  320x200   16M       A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426
 70h =  extended mode set (see AX=0070h)        Everex Micro Enhancer EGA
     = T   40x25  8x8        16       8    B800 Quadram (CGA double scan)
     = T   40x25  8x8  (CGA dblscan)            Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
     = G       360x480  256             Cirrus 510/520/5320 chips
     = G   90x28  8x14 720x392   16       1    A000 Ahead B
     = G       800x600   16             C&T chipset, Cardinal
     = G          1024x480  256             Trident 8900C BIOS C3.0
 71h = T   80x25  8x8        16       8    B800 Quadram (CGA double scan)
     = T   80x25  8x8  (CGA dblscan)            Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
     = G       528x400  256             Cirrus 510/520 chipset
     = G   80x30  8x16 640x480   16M       A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426
     = G  100x35  8x16 800x600  16of64     A000 NSI Smart EGA+
     = G  100x75  8x8  800x600   16       1    A000 Ahead B (same as 6Ah)
     = G       960x720   16             C&T chipset, Cardinal
     = G          1024x480  256             Trident 8900C BIOS C3.0
 72h = T   80x60  8x8        16        B800 Quadram Ultra VGA
     = T   80x60  8x8        16        B800 Genoa 6400
     = T   80x60  8x8        16        B800 Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
     = G       528x480  256             Cirrus 510/520 chipset
     = G       640x480 32768       A000 ATI
     = G       640x480  16M        A000 WD90C
     = G       640x480  16M        A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X
     = G          1024x768   16             C&T chipset, Cardinal
 73h = G   80x60  8x8  640x480   16        A000 Quadram Ultra VGA
     = G   80x60  8x8  640x480   16             Genoa 6400
     = G   80x60  8x8  640x480   16             Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
 74h = T   80x66  8x8        16        B800 Quadram Ultra VGA
     = T   80x66  8x8        16        B800 Genoa 6400
     = T   80x66  8x8        16        B800 Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
     = G       640x400    2        B800 Toshiba 3100 AT&T mode
     = G   80x30  8x16 640x480   32K       A000 Trident 8900C/BIOS C03
     = G  128x48  8x16 1024x768      16       1    A000 Ahead A, Ahead B (512K)
     = G     -    -   1024x768   64K       A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 [1]
 75h = G   80x30  8x16 640x480   64K       A000 Trident 8900C/BIOS C03
     = G   80x66   640x528   16???     A000 Quadram Ultra VGA
     = G   80x66   640x528   16             Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
     = G  128x48  8x16 1024x768       4       1    A000 Ahead B
 76h = T   94x29  8x14       16        B800 Quadram Ultra VGA
     = T   94x29  8x14                  Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
     = G  100x75  8x8  800x600   32K       A000 Trident 8900C/BIOS C03
     = G  128x48  8x16 1024x768       2       1    A000 Ahead B
 77h = G   94x29   752x410   16???     A000 Quadram Ultra VGA
     = G   94x29   752x410   16             Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
     = G  100x75  8x8  800x600   64K       A000 Trident 8900C/BIOS C03
 78h = T  100x37  8x16       16             Genoa 6400
     = T  100x75  8x8        16        B800 Quadram Ultra VGA
     = T  100x75  8x8                   Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
     = G       640x400  256             STB VGA/EM-16 Plus
     = G       640x400  256             Cardinal, C&T chipset
     = G       640x400  256             Cirrus 5320 chipset
 79h = G       640x480  256             Cardinal, C&T chipset
     = G  100x75   800x600   16???     A000 Quadram Ultra VGA
     = G  100x75  8x8  800x600   16             Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
     = G  100x75  8x8  800x600   16             Genoa 6400
 7Ah = T  114x60  8x8        16        B800 Quadram Ultra VGA
     = T  114x60  8x8                   Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
     = G       720x540  256             C&T chipset, Cardinal
 7Bh = G       800x600  256             C&T chipset, Cardinal
     = G  114x60   912x480   16???     A000 Quadram Ultra VGA
     = G       912x480   16             Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+
 7Ch = G       512x512   16             Genoa
     = G       800x600  256             C&T 82C453 chipset
 7Dh = G   64x32  8x16 512x512  256             Genoa
 7Eh =  special mode set (see AX=007Eh)         Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600
     = G   80x25  8x16 640x400  256             Genoa 6400
     = G          1024x768  256             C&T 82C453 chipset
 7Fh =  special function set (see AX=007Fh)         Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600
     = G  128x48  8x16 1024x768       4             Genoa 6400
 82h = T   80x25        B&W             AT&T VDC overlay mode [6]
 83h = T   80x25                    AT&T VDC overlay mode [6]
 86h = G       640x200  B&W             AT&T VDC overlay mode [6]
 88h = G   90x43  8x8  720x352  mono       B000 Hercules + MSHERC.COM
 C0h = G       640x400  2/prog pallet       AT&T VDC overlay mode [6]
     = G       640x400  2/prog pallet       Olivetti Quaderno overlay
 C4h =  disable output                  AT&T VDC overlay mode [6]
 C8h = G   80x50  8x8  640x400    2        B800 Olivetti Quaderno overlay
 D0h = G       640x400    2        B800 DEC VAXmate AT&T mode

[1] interlaced only
[2] for ATI EGA Wonder, mode 08h is only valid if SMS.COM is loaded resident.
      SMS maps mode 08h to mode 27h if the byte at location 0040:0063 is 0B4h,
      otherwise to mode 23h, thus selecting the appropriate (monochrome or
      color) 132x25 character mode.
    for ATI VGA Wonder, mode 08h is the same, and only valid if VCONFIG loaded
[3] early XGA boards support 132-column text but do not have this BIOS mode
[4] DESQview intercepts calls to change into these two modes (21h is page 0,
      22h is page 1) even if there is no Hercules graphics board installed
[5] ATI BIOS v4-1.00 has a text-scrolling bug in this mode
[6] for AT&T VDC overlay modes, BL contains the DEB mode, which may be 06h,
      40h, or 44h
[7] BIOS text support is broken in this undocumented mode; scrolling moves only
      about 1/3 of the screen (and does even that portion incorrectly), while
      screen clears only clear about 3/4.
[8] The Oak OTI-037/067/077 modes are present in the Oak VGA BIOS, which OEMs
      may choose to use only partially or not at all; thus, not all Oak boards
      support all "Oak" modes listed here
[9] this card uses the full 128K A000h-BFFFh range for the video buffer,
      precluding the use of a monochrome adapter in the same system
[10] mode 17h supported by Tseng ET4000 BIOS 8.01X dated 09/14/90, but not
      v8.01X dated 02/28/92; mode 21h supported by 02/28/92 version but not
      09/14/90 version
[11] HERKULES simulates a 90x45 text mode in Hercules graphics mode; the
      installation check for HERKULES.COM is the signature "Herkules" two bytes
      beyond the INT 10 handler
[12] The Realtek RTVGA BIOS v3.C10 crashes when attempting to switch into modes
   21h or 27h; this version of the BIOS also sets the BIOS data area
   incorrectly for extended text modes, resulting in scrolling after only
   24 lines (the VMODE.EXE utility does set the data area correctly)
Index: video modes
Index: installation check|HERKULES

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson